Hi Guys! I'm back with some pretty awesome budget deals! This time it's for the brand "The Body Shop". I"m pretty sure a lot of you guys have heard of this brand, but in case you guys haven't, it's actually an international beauty chain store that carries a lot of products for your face or body that are derived from natural ingredients. My favorite product from this brand is actually their infamous award-winning body butter, but today I decided to venture into their face products. After long consideration I bought 2 skincare product from their best seller line, Vitamin E.

Alright, must not side track and get back to the point. Today's deal is actually a bargain because I there's a $10 off $20 coupon!!! Ahahaha... I LOVE coupons... and I can't lie! The mask was originally $22 and cream was $20 but after the coupons I purchased them for $12 & $10 respectively which is like half off! The current deals they have is either the buy one get one 50% off or buy 2 get 1 free and could be used in conjunction with this coupon. woohoo!!! I tried to force myself to purchase 2 items to get the 3rd one free but I really only needed 2 items so this deal was out of the picture. Therefore, I used the 50% off second item deal and only spent $22. Wahaha... so cheap considering its half off then half off that. Wait that doesn't sound right.... you guys get the point.
Anyways, you guys should really go try out their products now that they have this coupon circulating around as it's a blue moon to have such a good good coupon. Here's the linky:
Product 1: Vitamine E Sink-in Moisture Mask Review
Finally got my hands on a Vitamin E packed moisture mask that's suppose to bring some moisture back on my dry face. I have always love love loooove.... vitamin e.. it's like a miracle product. I used to put vitamin e oil all over my face and it just makes my skin so soft and supple but kind of stopped because its too oily and my hair gets all over my face.
A really good thing about vitamin e oil is that it's super super amazing at healing scar. Believe me on this one! I had chicken box when I was 18 and like there was literally 100+ bumps on my face that turned into ugly scabs that took forever to peel off but applying vitamin e made it heal 3 times faster. (you guys could never image how ugly i looked during that phase... i sat in front of a mirror everyday counting the chicken box on my face. Seriously I had over 100 bumps on my face and only had 7 on my legs!!!!) Thanks to vitamin e oil, my skin had healed successfully with absolutely no scarring! Lucky me....

Back to this product...First off it smells so much like baby powder so it's a little overpowering. The texture reminded me so much of hair conditioner, very light. It's kind of like pudding but less dense. I spread on a thin layer all over face and neck and let it sit for around 30 minutes then wash off. After application, face feels very moistured but after 20 minutes or so the mask gets absorbed into face and feels oily. Yeah, looked like I just poured some oil on my face which is not pleasant looking at all!
After washing off the product, my face those feel a little smoother and more hydrated by not too noticeable. Honestly, it didn't do much for my skin and selling at a retail price of $22 is just ridiculous. It's totally wasted my $12 and my precious time! I showed my face to my sister and she said the same thing... no difference. That made me sour because it's sad that this product claims to be "intense" when the affects are so minimal! Sorry Body Shop, you guys totally ruin that miraculous image of Vitamin E for me.
If you guys want a good moisture mask go for paper mask because it's very hydrating and easy to use, apply on face and remove so there's no need to wash. Here are some of my current favorite! (I'll probably do a post for paper facial mask later on so keep following)
Etude House Collagen Mask. Smells fresh and makes me skin whiter and more hydrated. Around $2-3/piece but its much cheaper in Asia. (ask your friend/ relative to buy you some or stock up if you travel)
Oh yes, we want more collagen on our mask and here's caviar. Picture and thought of putting this black looking stuff on my face is gross but works like a charm! Yeah, Missha should have picked a better image for the packaging. Yeah, it just led me to image myself putting fish eggs on my face... so disgusting!
Ok ok, the sheet is white and smells very fresh so that helps to know right? Nonetheless, this stuff is pretty darn good at restoring moisture! Thank you Missha for being so creative... caviar... I didn't know I can use you beside eating you.
Last favorite is Beauty Diary's mask. This mask is super cheap at $1+ a sheet and is very effective. My current favorite is the cherry blossom one because it smells so sweet. It also works very well in alleviating, refreshing, and whitening my dark and dull skin. If you guys are interested and what to buy this product I have it on my website. I'm not trying to sell you this product but it really does work! You could always buy on ebay too if you like! Here's linky if interested:
2nd Product: Vitamin E Nourishing Night Cream Review
Again this night cream smells too much like baby powder. I really don't like baby powder scented products. Why? isn't it obvious... it makes me feel bad because my skin is no longer soft like a baby's butt. Oh no, I shouldn't compare my face to a butt... it should say it's no longer soft like a baby's skin. Anyways, this products claims to replenish and revitalize skin while you sleep using rich wheat germ oil. It's suppose to nourish my skin overnight and wake up to soft silky skin so lets see how well it works...
Texture of this product is very dense, kind of like body butter but not that oily. Skin feels hydrated immediately after application.
Now 8 hours later, skin feels pretty soft and hydrated. The dry patchy area around my cheeks seems like it improved. Overall, pretty good product for $10 and I'll give it a 8 out of 10 stars. Definitely a much better product than a lot of drug store branded night cream. Overall, I would buy again because it works and does not break out my skin. The only problem I have is that I feel like it still cannot replace my favorite moisture cream, Clinique's moisture surge because it doesn't make my skin as soft and dewy as the moisture surge would. However, the moisture surge is like $40 and this is $10 so if I'm on a budge I'll get this one instead.
Alright, this post is much longer then what I intended to write so sorry that it's so long! Remember to go check out the store if you guys get a chance and please use the coupon! Saving up is the key to having more money to buy more products. Bye now